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KC Saken and KC Targamas Wombo Combo LFL vs BTS
BTS vs KC | 2021 EU Masters Spring Group Stage Day 1
Zven Pentakill vs Alphari |"u get deja vu barnes?"| KC Targamas [TRACKING THE PROS]
G2 Targamas who?
KC Saken / otplol_
G2 Caps on Targamas' Performance so far
KC Adam Rift Herald 1v2 Outplay LFL BTS
IWillDominate flames KC Adam
Jankos Talks About Targamas
HAHAHAHA KC Adam - League of Legends #shorts
Rift Partners | Targamas and Steeelb4ck | How much do they know each other?
G2 BrokenBlade About Team Dinner | Targamas Paid